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4 min read
Australia's oldest bank 'banks' on compliance and recovery with Profectus
Australia’s first bank was established in 1817 and is also one of the largest banks in New Zealand. It provides a broad range of...

4 min read
Officeworks cleans up with Profectus’ contract compliance
Officeworks has always been focused on delivering a wide range, low prices and great service for their customers. As the leading...

4 min read
Australia's leading online furniture & homewares retailer's compliance and recovery journey
‘Furniture of Your Dreams, Delivered’ - that’s the promise of Australia's leading online-only retailer who offers the largest range of...

4 min read
BP fuels fresh food and convenience visibility with Profectus
BP service stations are synonymous with Australian roadsides. With about 1,400 service stations across the country (a combination of...

2 min read
Profectus Group Taps On with Transport for NSW to verify Contract Compliance
The agreement aims to automate compliance checks for up to 20 supplier contracts and enable Transport for NSW to identify and address...

1 min read
The Devil is in the Detail
Think Accounts Payable and Compliance audits aren't for you or aren't worth the investment? Many of our clients thought the same until we...

6 min read
The perfect storm - and the silver lining
Part One: Financial Services The banking and finance industry has not been immune to the macro-economic factors of late. The good news is...

2 min read
Putting the ‘Special’ in Specialist
Why solely relying on general software applications like ERPs and procurement solutions is putting the financial health of your...

2 min read
Enable, Profectus form partnership and announce Rebate Deal Management platform acquisition
Enable expands in Australia with acquisition of Profectus' leading Rebate Deal Management (RDM) software platform; Profectus secures a...

1 min read
Profectus CEO, Chris Hutchins, guest on 'Talking Business with Leon Gettler' podcast
Our very own CEO, Chris Hutchins, was recently a guest on 'Talking Business with Leon Gettler' - a podcast which discusses the latest...

2 min read
One step ahead of the Big 4
While Australia’s Big 4 auditing firms are scrambling to address their rapidly declining audit quality by investing in automation...

3 min read
Introducing Xelix: The AI-powered real-time auditing tool that’s a first for ANZ
You only need to look at the uptake of robotic vacuum cleaners, smart hubs and smart lights, to realise that products that automate our...
1 min read
Freight management in the mining sector
Organisations in the mining sector wrestle with complex issues on a day-to-day basis, resulting in a lack of focus on freight management....

7 min read
Compliance is the new black
What used to be a boring task carried out by bean-counters is now a critical function in all organisations, supporting a smooth path to...

5 min read
Officeworks delivers the 'Gold Standard' of compliance for Transport and Logistics
With 167 stores Australia-wide and more than 40,000 products available on its website, Officeworks is Australia’s largest supplier of...

1 min read
An inflation nation: relief for businesses as margins shrink
"Compliance, auditing and recovery can actually be fun...It can empower people to have fun in their lives." Chris Hutchins from Profectus...

6 min read
Missed Income: Ageing is only good for wine and cheese
The longer you wait, the harder it is to recover The retail market has remained one of the key contributors to Australia’s economy, but...

3 min read
How retailers are leveraging technology to create income
“There’s more than one way to skin a cat”, as the saying goes, and retailers are generally quick to leverage innovation in business....

4 min read
David Jones finds the perfect fit with Profectus
David Jones is Australia’s leading premium retailer, and the oldest continuously operating department store in the world still trading...
2 min read
Invoice compliance in sea freight
A global beverage manufacturer contacted Profectus regarding automated processing to simplify their complex freight expenditure...
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